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Use of Aquaculture Ponds and Other Habitats by Autumn Migrating Shorebirds Along the Lower Mississippi River

机译:秋季使用水产养殖池塘和其他栖息地 迁移沿密西西比河下游的水鸟



Populations of many shorebird species are declining; habitat loss and degradation are among the leading causes for these declines. Shorebirds use a variety of habitats along interior migratory routes including managed moist soil units, natural wetlands, sandbars, and agricultural lands such as harvested rice fields. Less well known is shorebird use of freshwater aquaculture facilities, such as commercial cat- and crayfish ponds. We compared shorebird habitat use at drained aquaculture ponds, moist soil units, agricultural areas, sandbars and other natural habitat, and a sewage treatment facility in the in the lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley (LMAV) during autumn 2009. Six species: Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla), Killdeer (Charadrius vociferous), Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla), Pectoral Sandpiper (C. melanotos), Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus himantopus), and Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes), accounted for 92 % of the 31,165 individuals observed. Sewage settling lagoons (83.4, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 25.3–141.5 birds/ha), drained aquaculture ponds (33.5, 95 % CI 22.4–44.6 birds/ ha), and managed moist soil units on public lands (15.7, CI 11.2–20.3 birds/ha) had the highest estimated densities of shorebirds. The estimated 1,100 ha of drained aquacultureponds available during autumn 2009 provided over half of the estimated requirement of 2,000 ha by the LMAV Joint Venture working group. However, because of the decline in the aquaculture industry, autumn shorebird habitats in the LMAV may be limited in the near future. Recognition of the current aquaculture habitat trends will be important to the future management activities of federal and state agencies. Should these aquaculture habitat trends continue, there may be a need for wildlife biologists to investigate other habitats that can be managed to offset the current and expected loss of aquaculture acreages. This study illustrates the potential for freshwater aquaculture to provide habitat for a taxa at risk. With the rapid growth of aquaculture worldwide, the practices of this industry deserve attention to identify benefits as well as risks to wildlife.
机译:许多水鸟物种的种群正在减少。栖息地的丧失和退化是造成这些下降的主要原因。水鸟沿内部迁徙路线使用各种栖息地,包括受管理的潮湿土壤单元,自然湿地,沙洲和农田(例如收获的稻田)。鲜为人知的是shore鸟对淡水养殖设施的使用,例如商业猫和小龙虾池塘。我们比较了2009年秋季在密西西比河冲积谷下游(LMAV)的排水养殖池塘,潮湿的土壤单元,农业区,沙洲和其他自然栖息地以及污水处理设施中的shore栖息地使用情况。六种:最小Sand Calidris minutilla),Killdeer(Charadrius vociferous),半掌pal(Calidris pusilla),胸illa(C. melanotos),黑颈高跷(Himantopus himantopus)和Yellowylegs(Tringa flavipes)个体占92%,观测到的。污水沉降泻湖(83.4,95%置信区间[CI] 25.3–141.5禽/公顷),排水池塘(33.5,95%CI 22.4–44.6禽/公顷),以及公共土地上受管理的潮湿土壤单元(15.7,CI) 11.2–20.3鸟/公顷)的shore鸟密度最高。 LMAV合资企业工作组估计的2,000公顷的需求量在2009年秋季提供了1,100公顷的排水养殖池塘。但是,由于水产养殖业的衰退,LMAV的秋季水鸟栖息地在不久的将来可能会受到限制。认识到当前水产养殖栖息地的趋势对于联邦和州机构的未来管理活动至关重要。如果这些水产养殖生境趋势继续下去,可能需要野生生物生物学家调查其他可以控制以抵消当前和预期的水产养殖面积损失的生境。这项研究说明了淡水水产养殖为有风险的生物分类提供栖息地的潜力。随着全球水产养殖业的快速发展,该行业的实践应引起重视,以查明野生生物的利益和风险。



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